Nutellino: offer an homemade liqueur

Hello everyone!

Today we return to the stove with a mouth watering gift idea!
At Christmas you know, you exaggerate with food and alcohol and I must say that in recent years is increasingly used to give good treats and baskets full of very good things! And this year I have also chosen this option making homemade liquor: Nutellino!
I've always heard about it but I've never tried it, Nutellino is very simple to prepare and the result is really delicious!
Found on Giallo Zafferano


  1. Pour the cream, milk, sugar and Nutella into a saucepan and mix to obtain a well-blended initial mixture.
  2. Then place the saucepan on low heat for a few minutes until the mixture is fluid and without lumps.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool by covering the cream with a transparent film.
  4. Once the mixture is at room temperature, combine the alcohol and stir with a hand whisk.
  5. Pour the liqueur into a bottle and place in the fridge.
You have finished the Nutellino! Apply a label on the bottle with the ingredients indicated. Nutellino can be kept in the fridge or freezer for a long time.
I hope you enjoyed this gift idea! If you have tried this recipe let me know in comments!



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